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Image by Mark Basarab



Cu, Au, Zn, Pb




The Stoke property in the Quebec Appalachians lies within Dunnage zone rocks, and is underlain by fine-grained clastic sediments, sericitic felsic tuff, and basaltic chlorite schist, intruded by strongly deformed tonalite and granite plugs, underlie the property. The Stoke property occurs in an area of numerous precious and base metal occurrences, and small past producers. At least 10 mineral occurrences are recorded by SOQUEM on the property. Fancamp has conducted exploration activities on the property since 2010. Base and precious metal mineralization is associated with disseminated sulphide zones in silicified, chloritized and sericitized felsic volcanic rocks, and as fracture-controlled sulphide mineralization in chloritized mafic to intermediate rocks, in close proximity to this geologic contact. At surface, the Grand Prix mineral showings is a 4.4 metre wide zone of disseminated sulphide, traceable for at least 75 metres. Fancamps 2011 drill program intersected 7.29% Cu over 6.4 metres (drillhole ST-2011-06, MRN Report GM 66485, 2012), 135 metres down-plunge of a copper zone identified by Phelps Dodge in 1997, and 56 metres below surface. This extends mineralization identified by Phelps Dodge, of 6.3% Cu and 27.3 gpt Ag over 5.1 metres at a depth of about 72 metres down-hole (MRN Report GM 57994, 2000). 




















The Stoke Property is situated in the Eastern Townships of Québec and covers 20km of favourable geology within the Ascot-Weedon VSED Belt, which hosts 6 historical VMS deposits. The Stoke Project exhibits historical drilling with moderate grade mineral occurrences of copper and gold across two distinct zones; Copper Zone and Grand Prix Showing.  


2O22 Drill Program:

  • 3 holes for 1,119 metres; successfully intersected a mineralized trend.

  • The program aimed to evaluate the down-dip and down-plunge extension of hole ST-2013-06, which had intersected 6.4 metres at 7.29% Cu and 17.6 g/t Ag (MRN Report GM 66485, 2012) and has now defined mineralization to a vertical depth of approximately 250 metres.

  • Hole STDD-22-05 intersected 98.0 metres at 0.12% Cu (from 275 to 373 metres – downhole length); FNC press release 08/09/22

  • Down hole Pulse EM to help identify potential massive sulphide lens.​

  • An IP Survey was completed in Q2-2023 with comprehensive interpretation ongoing, which targeted the North-East extension of known mineralization observed at the Copper Zone.

Map Location Stoke







Unless stated otherwise herein, all scientific and technical data contained in this website has been reviewed, approved and verified by François Auclair, P.Geo, M.Sc. Vice President Exploration of Fancamp Exploration Ltd., designated as a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and Qualified Person to Fancamp Exploration Ltd.

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