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Image by Manny Becerra



Cu, Zn, Ag






  • The Clinton Project is situated ~20 kilometres SouthWest of the town of Megantic, north of the Maine border.

  • The Clinton Project encompasses around 20 kilometres of favourable stratigraphy within the Clinton River volcano-sedimentary belt. It hosts a series of Cu–Zn rich volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization lenses extending over a 5-kilometre NorthEast horizon. 

  • Recent work highlighted potential to expand known mineralization and to discover new copper-rich massive sulphides lenses:

    • The 2022 program intersected 3.15 metres at 3.30% Cu and 12.64 g/t Ag, extending the known Clinton A massive sulphide lens by more than 100 metres along strike (FNC press release dated 14/06/2022;​).

    • Q12023 Induced polarization (IP) survey delineated high priority anomalies along targeted favourable geological horizon on an overlooked part of the property. 

    • Most mineralized lenses at Clinton are open at depth and some lenses (such as A and E) remain open along strike.

    • Modern exploration techniques, such as the IP survey deployed in Q12023 have the potential to detect new mineralized lenses missed by previous operators.​​​

Clinton map
Clinton map



The Clinton property, located in the Northern Appalachian, in the Eastern Townships of Québec, some 20 kilometres southwest of the town of Mégantic, may represent a structural window within the Clinton River Anticlinorium of Ordovician Age. This window is situated between two major structures of the Northern Appalachian; the Gaspé-Connecticut Valley Synclinorium to the NorthWest and the Boundary Mountains Anticlinorium to the SouthEast. The project is underlain by volcanic rocks of the Chesham Melange, and sedimentary rocks of the Clinton Formation, and host numerous precious metal bearing VMS occurrences and small past producers, along a NE trend across the property.  


The Clinton mine produced between 1973-75, and reportedly mined an average grade of 2.65% Cu, 2.43% Zn, 30.03 gpt Ag, and 0.45 gpt Au [Groupe Minier Sullivan, 1973 Annual report] and is characterized by five small sulphide lenses. Fancamp has held the Clinton Project since 2010, and has conducted multiple drill programs and tested various targets. Some 62,354 metres of drilling across 297 holes was performed since 1953 (Link), since 2010, Fancamp drilled a total of 11,000 metres extending multiple lenses. 


The best intercepts returned from Fancamp work was 1.79% Cu over 6.19 metres within a 14.58 metres wide zone of 1.09% Cu (FNC press release dated 16/07/2012), and 1.27% Cu, 1.14% Zn, and 11 gpt Ag over 11 metres (V3 zone, FNC press release dated 14/10/2014), and 2.78% Cu and 16.9 gpt Ag over 24.7 metres (V1 zone, FNC press release dated 14/10/2014).
























Fancamp’s 2022-2023 drill campaigns resulted in lenses A and B being considered as a contiguous mineralized zone, delineating the expansion potential of VMS lenses. 


Total of 1,294 metres in 6 holes drilled in 2022 in the northern part of the property; exhibiting success with Clinton historical lens “A” being extended to a minimum of 100 metres along strike, at shallow depth (FNC press release June 14, 2022). Potential of along strike continuity of both the A and E Lenses, and IP anomalies along a favourable geological horizon. A total of 2,678 metres in 11 holes were drilled in 2023.


Drill Program Highlights:

  • Hole CLDD-22-02: 3.15 metres @ 3.30% Cu and 12.64 g/t Ag, extending historical lens “A” mineralization 100 metres along strike, at 50 metres below surface (FNC press release June 14, 2022).

  • Hole CLDD-22-03: 2.00 metres @ 0.54% Cu, down-dip extension from intersection in hole CLDD-22-02  (FNC press release June 14, 2022​).

  • Hole CLDD-22-01: 3.00 metres @ 0.72% Cu, 2.87 g/t Ag and 0.02 g/t Au  (FNC press release Aug 17, 2022​).

  • Overall best intersection at “V” Zone: 24.7 metres @ 2.78% Cu and 16.9 g/t Ag (FNC press release Oct. 14, 2014).


Clinton map
Clinton map
Clinton map







Unless stated otherwise herein, all scientific and technical data contained in this website has been reviewed, approved and verified by François Auclair, P.Geo, M.Sc. Vice President Exploration of Fancamp Exploration Ltd., designated as a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and Qualified Person to Fancamp Exploration Ltd.

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